Galatians 2:15-21 Paul gives us a theological explanation of how a person is saved. The Gospel of Christ is all that saves a person. We are not saved by our
What makes the Gospel so special?
The Gospel is set apart from everything else. It is divine in its origin; it has the power to change the hardest and most sceptical of hearts. The Gospel is
Baptism signifies our Union with Christ
Sermon Text: Acts 9:32 – 10:48
Two unexpected Baptisms and God’s Grace
Sermon Text: Acts 8:26 – 9:19
The Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation
Sermon Text: Acts 8:4 – 25
Call upon the Lord Jesus to be saved
Topic: Call upon Jesus and be saved Text: Acts 2:14 – 36 Date: 6th May 2018