Pastor Harshit takes us through Mark 1:40 – 45 where a person suffering from Leprosy comes to Jesus to ask for healing. He says, “If you are willing you can make me clean.” Having experienced so much rejection in His life, this was a statement asking if Lord Jesus would accept him. It was not a statement of doubt in the authority and power of Jesus. He was more concerned with God’s will than he was with God’s ability. He cast himself in faith on the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we ready to cast ourselves on the will of God as we pray through different things in our lives? Can we say what Jesus said in Luke 22:42, “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
We worship and serve a compassionate and loving God whom we can trust in all kinds of situations and circumstances in our lives. Christ Jesus, the Son of God, shows us in Himself how God is not aloof and distant from our lives. Much like he touched the man with Leprosy, He is willing to come close to us and to help us through the difficulties and challenges in our lives.
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