Human beings have a huge problem! This world has a huge problem. We call that sin! We’re born with it, each one of us. None of us can escape its clutches. It infects and affects everything, corrupting our very nature, so that every inclination of our heart is only evil all the time. We have to work to do good. Sin comes to us effortlessly.
It is our sin that separates us from God, leaving us in a state of enmity with God and estrangement from Him. One possible, but improbable way, to set things right is if we can keep God’s law perfectly. The Bible makes it clear that no one is righteous, not even one.
God justifies us, or places us in a right standing with Himself through Christ. But it is more than placing us in a right standing with Himself, he declares us righteous in His sight, clothed with the righteousness of Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is God giving us all the rights and privileges of sonship; we are the children of God.

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