We take a look at Romans 2:17 – 29 in this sermon. The Scriptures challenge the religious Jewish person concerning the way they live as the people of God. This relates well with us as Christians today. Our knowlege of God and His Word ought to affect and impact the way we live. Or to put it another way, knowledge of God and His Word is futile if we do not live according to what we know.
Secondly, there are also those who presume to teach others, but fail to live out God’s truth in their own lives. That is hypocrisy, and is something that the Lord Jesus took most issue with.
A third point that Paul makes is that true Jewishness is not from circumcision, but from the heart. A person is truly a descendent of Abraham the man of faith, if they love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and so obey His Word. Likewise, a true follower of Christ is someone who’s heart is truly turned to the Lord.
God is most glorified when our knowlege of God and our teaching of God’s Word also affects the way we live for God. If our knowlege of God and our teaching of God’s Word leads us to love God more then God is glorified through our lives.

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