Romans 1:24 – 32 is a discussion on God’s response to man’s rejection of Him. Even though God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly manifest in the things that have been made, people reject God and they worship created things or the image of created things. In effect they exchange God’s glory for things that have been created. God responds to this by giving people over to their sin, or handing them over to their sin. This may sometimes have a reforming effect (Luke 15:11 – 24; 1 Cor. 5:5). However, at other times this may have the effect of hardening people in their sin (2 Peter 2:12 – 14).
This sermon discusses the effects of God handing a person over to their sin – there is an increase in their desire for impurity; there is a loss of a sense of what is natural, good and right; there is a loss of rationality. This text serves as a warning to us to not persevere in sin, lest there be no way back. It also ought to create in us a sense of urgency to proclaim the good news of the gospel to people and to pray earnestly for their salvation.

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