Romans 1:18 – 23 speaks of God’s righteous anger against sin. The section from Romans 1:18 to 3:20 is a discussion on the absolute dominance and pervasiveness of sin in
After Sunday comes Monday…
This is the final sermon in this series on worship. Worship is not just what we do on a Sunday or at a Sunday service. The Bible says in 1
The Father & the Spirit
Continuing our series on the ‘Heart of Christ’ we take a look this morning at how the heart of Christ relates to the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Bible
The Promises of God
God made great and glorious promises to Abraham in the Old Testament. These promises were fulfilled in a limited measure when Israel became a numerous people and inherited the Promised
God and our Government
The last two months have seen our country go through the intensity of a Lok Sabha election. I cannot remember another election fought so viciously, further aggravated by the power
Sermon Text: 1 John – Going beyond verbal confession – Obeying God – Not living with the world – Living righteousness life – Avoid sinning (resist, pray and put on